DIY Surprise Box: When closed, the box looks like a gift box, but when opened the sides fall backwards to reveal a many-sided shape made of cards.Size: When Folded: Approx. 4.9 x 4.9 inches (12.5 x 12.5 cm); When Unfolded: Approx. 14.2 x 14.2 inches (36 x 36 cm). Package Contents: Packing Box x 1, Surprise Box x 1, Differently-Shaped Decoration Cards x 9, Message Cards x 2, Ribbon x 1, Double-Sided Tape x 1, Small Fake Daisies x 2, Stickers x 1, Corner Stickers x 1. Comes with a Surprise: Comes with a small gift box inside the surprise box, which you can use to hold surprises like rings, watches, necklaces, lipstick, perfume, greeting cards, etc. Album: Create your own cute, original album.Feel free to stick in your photos, notes, writing notes or mementos together to spell out the story of the days of your precious memories. Uses: Put it together yourself, spelling out ton of memories and make the perfect gift for someone you love.This is a very popular handmade surprise gift to give to your significant other, best friend or family for birthdays, proposals, or wedding anniversaries. It is also a good choice for Christmas, Valentines Day, White Day, Anniversaries, etc.
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