Justice League: The New Frontier Special Edition [Blu-ray]
[ US / Warner Home Video / Blu-ray ] 新品!
『Justice League - The New Frontier』の北米版ブルーレイ!!
【Special Features】
・2 revealing documentaries: Super Heroes United!: The Complete Justice League History and The Legion of Doom: The Pathology of the Super Villain
・Audio commentary 1: Featuring the talented fimmakers of New Frontier, including executive producer Bruce Timm, supervising producer Mike Goguen, voice director Andrea Romano, director David Bullock, screenwriter Stan
・Berkowitz and DC Comics senior vice president/creative affairs Gregory Noveck
・Audio commentary 2: Featuring comic book writer and artist Darwyn Cooke
・Featurette Comic Book Commentary: Homage to the New Frontier
・3 bonus Justice League episodes: Dark Heart, To Another Shore and Task Force X exclusive sneak peek at DC Universes Batman Gotham Knight
よくわかる民法第10版 神余博史
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NEC LAVIE Tab デジタルペンG PC-AC-AD031C
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