FSA NO.42-A Orbit C-40 Integrated 1-1/8Inches to 1.5Inches ID 42/52 mm Tapered Headset, Black, XTE15111-1/8in, 45 degrees/ 45 degrees ACB Upper
Upper Headtube I.D. 42mm
Alloy top cover
OEM package (This item is exactly as pictured and does not include retail package)
Content: 1 set/pack
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【新品タグ付】 ダッフィワンダフルヴォヤージュ ミッキー&ダフィ ぬいぐるみ
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【ラスト】湊あくあ ホロライブ SUPER EXPO 2022 ミニ色紙
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