Double vinyl LP pressing. Digitally remastered edition. Paul Is Live, recorded during the tour in support of Off The Ground, was Pauls fifth live album and is famous for its titles double meaning and the rumor-scotching cover art. Ever since the 1969 release of Abbey Road, there had been hoax-fueled stories of Pauls untimely death. The new title was a way of saying that this was most definitely not the case. The artwork is a play on the famous Abbey Road cover, with Paul crossing that same street but wearing shoes and using his left hand this time. (Originally, his bare feet and the holding of a cigarette in his right hand had supposedly been clues that it wasnt him on the cover.) As well as a raft of solo, Wings and Beatles favorites, the album also offers an insight into the band s sound checks, the final three songs all being improvised during rehearsals in various locations on the tour.こちらの商品は輸入盤のため、稀にジャケットに多少のスレや角にシワがある場合がございます。
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